Substance use is common, and the costs of substance use is high for employers. Of the 20 million adults classified as having problems with substance use in 2007, approximately 12 million (60%) were employed full time. In addition to higher absenteeism and lower job productivity and performance, substance use also leads to greater health care expenses for injuries and illnesses. Furthermore, safety and other risks for employers can increase workers’ compensation and disability claims. It is essential that employers understand addiction, the prevalence of substance use among working adults, and the costs related to substance use. Substance use is treatable, particularly when it is addressed as a chronic disease. Reducing employee substance use can help employers improve productivity, reduce workplace injuries, and decrease health care costs.
At Lost and Found Recovery Center, we offer Recovery Coaching and family support for employees that can include family or not. Our coaching services are confidential and our methods are very effective and done with love and respect.